IGM Academy (IGM) is an institution of life-long learning, licensed and approved by the Ministry of Human Resources (HRDF/PSMB). IGM was founded in 1993 as a college – the Institute of Global Management, inspired by the vision to be Malaysia’s leading life-long learning Institution for working adults. It has since become a full-fledged training academy and changed its name to IGM Academy Sdn Bhd with the mission to shape market leaders.
Our training programmes encompass a wide range of skills that most organizations find to be an integral and necessary part of daily business. Most of these programmes are certified by Internationally recognised US, Canadian, and UK educational Institutions.
Throughout all our years, IGM has trained and certified over 15,000 working executives, managers and entrepreneurs through a wide range of life-long learning programmes, leading to qualifications ranging from certificate to MBA. Many of our lifelong learning graduates are now holding senior and top management positions.
We are proud of the recognition received from Government bodies, graduates and Clients who have placed their trust in our ability to develop future leaders. IGM’s highly qualified, experienced, committed, customer-oriented and expert trainers led by our Principal Consultant, Dr. Oliver Ho, will continue to provide lifelong quality education and corporate training to all our clients. He is assisted by a team of highly qualified and experienced corporate leaders such as Dato’ Ir. Maruan, Tn. Haji Rali, Ding Lai Hong, Datu Dr. Michael Lundjew and others and highly qualified trainers.
IGM Academy is a unique adults’ lifelong learning centre. Established over 21 years its first accolade was the award by Federation of Malaysian Unit Trust NGO body to develop and run its professional unit trust pre-registration examination from 1997-8, of which over 5000-unit trust agents used its manual and sat for the qualifying examinations. Then IGM Academy diversified into training and consultancy for corporate clients and was commissioned by SME Corporation from 2006 to 2011 to provide soft skills managerial and leadership training to over 5000 participants.
We develop the 5 Action Learning Star which is an integrated blend of knowledge. groupthink, apply what you learn, skills upgrading and networking. Our 5 Action learning star provides the consolidation of the various facets of knowledge and action learning philosophy that created a successful history of being a creative pioneering leading lifelong centre in Malaysia and now ready to transfer its technology know how to Asia.
Realising the 5 Action Learning Star is only achievable with pre-and post-training support services accorded by our team to companies. We provide Training Needs Analysis to help organisations capture and achieve its objectives and obtain ROI on its human capital developments.
In this respect, we have provided consultancy services to assess and measure the performance of human capital development investments. Participants are coached face to face and over on-line Skype services to complete the projects assigned to them. These coaching services help them to realise their projects and apply them to improve their organisational objectives. Our coaching and consultancy services complements our rigorous training which help us build our customer retention and loyalty leading to a stronger IGM Brand equity.